6.3 AMG ML on its way to AutoGAs
Now, the Only way forward for us G wagen owners (petrol) Is AutoGAS.
I am on my 2nd conversion and cannot praise it enough.For those still not sure out there this AMG conversion says a lot. 8)
For those interested contact me and you will get a discount on your conversion.
You cannot complain about that can you ?
All Credit goes to " Battersea Autogas "
sorry but just dont know what you'r talking about. is this something that extends your mpg and emissions and if so please explain
yes, all taxis run on Lpg here and its available at most garages but just have never had any call to look into it.
Yes but it has a short range... so if you're using your G for going off the beaten track it isn't really ideal.
Also you either loose a lot of storage space inside or you have tanks hanging down way too low on the underside....
depends what size tank you have, i had 100L on the range rover (sorry) and that was for a good distance and only cost 30 something to fill up. on my journey from london to norwich there are lpg stations the whole way so really wish i had a motor that ran on the stuff again!
Hi if you modify the TUV/MB engineered existing exhaust system to one that runs along the offside of the RHD.G between the chassis and the sill with the outlet forward of the offside rear wheel (have just had fitted a stainless steel one with two oval silencers for GBP 300) you can then istal a single "torpedo" LPG tank where the muffler used to hang on the near side which is big enough give you a 180/200mile range.(LWB only) and it will sit high enough for you to fit an obstacle deflector plate if you intend to offroad...... on the 463 it is singlepoint LPG input ..later engines can be fitted with multipoint which is more efficient..removal of the main petrol tank will entitle you to submit the vehicle with the approved LPG installer installation certificate to the DVLA for classification as an LPG alternative fuel vehicle "NOT dual fuel which is another category".. with reduced VED.....even council lawnmowers are being converted to LPG for environmental reasons.....not to mention cold store forklifts.....
i ran my 280 GEL for a year or so and had no issues at all. infact the lpg option was the reason i brought it and one of the reasons i was able to sell it. :wink:
lpg is the only way forward, imagine....i have a flow gas station close by that charges 42p a litre :shock: :P , thats almost £1 less and an appx saving of £60-£70 :? :shock:
petrol refinement is far superior to diesel equivelants and the saving at the filling station means i will be booking my G in soon shakir.... :lol:
Shakir - I would like to see your 463 conversion as I did not like the way tje tanks were situated on Hus's 280.
a "No Smoking" policy would appear to be in order for this vehicle Shakir :lol:
Ah ok I thought you meant saddle tanks that were inside the dead spaces in the arches. I couldn't afford to loose that much boot space for my use - nor could I afford to have only a 25 litre petrol tank. How were the situated on your 460?
Very interesting, though I don't quite understand how any fuel, be it petrol, diesel or LPG, can possibly "drain out safely" in the uncontrolled environment that most accidents create. I'm also intrigued by the wayward US army tank outside Tesco, of all places. Around here, it's far more likely to be a hare-brained, military learner driver in an ancient FV432, or Warrior, with all his mates hanging out the top, that takes you up the Kyber Pass. And that's before you get anywhere near Bulford or Tidworth. ;)
Incidentally, all joking apart, that looks quite a neat installation, if I may say so, though I might be inclined to box it in, just to stop the dogs getting amongst it.
Maxwell I had 2x36 litres undersill tanks on my 460 with 2" ORC lift I never worried much.
Quercus- I will be boxing them with matched carpets on top.
Do you have photos? I don't want to lift my G - but nor would I want tanks getting hung up on rocks.
by the way Maxwell what exactly are you carrying in your boot that is so sensitive to volume ? Top of the arches are almost a dead space anyway, and you can still use the tank tops . I can still fit a pallet in that boot if it needs be.
Enough that even with the rear seats folded up and out of the way I just barely have sufficient space even if I make use of the front seat to store things as well.
Other problem for me would be the fact that the Eurotunnel doesn't take LPG vehicles.
Will just have to set up a distillery for WVO....
I think or should that be imagine? ( refer Inspector Morse )
that the reference to "drains out safely" simply means that it is a controlled discharge, ie without the tank rupturing ( which still burns very nicley , thank you ) as opposed to an explosive discharge as a result of the tank rupturing / exploding.
That is all
It's only an alternative for as long as it's not taxed like petrol. Diesel used to be cheaper than petrol a while back, until everyone started using it.
It's only an alternative for as long as it's not taxed like petrol. Diesel used to be cheaper than petrol a while back, until everyone started using it.
Agreed - they have already stated that they are going to stop the congestion charge exemption for LPG vehicles.
Although if it does burn cleaner it still has some advantages - though I have seen mixed reports on this. The installers all claim it burns cleaner but many independent organisations say it is no better.
LPG has been used for years on forklifts in closed warehouse conditions so there has to some health and safety advantages over petrol... Our local "Mercedes Only" man has a SWB 280ge with underfloor tanks and with sidesteps they cannot be seen....35ltr per side filled at a single point gives him 150miles pulling a boat. I have pics of the G (email only) for visual appearance assessment......he has the original petrol tank functioning as well so he starts on petrol and automatically switches to gas after a few minutes...the Gas Only option means more fuel stops but less hassle keeping the CIS petrol injection system tuned......
I think that the warehouse usuage is down to lesser fumes and also noise
plus were quite a few of these not running off " STRAP-ON" propane cylinders
therefore even cheaper than Autogas
Off course it burns cleaner.It is Gas for God sake! How can you mix any additives into GAs? And My MOT certificate says I am indeed running cleaner.
Easy.... think carefully about what LPG stands for and focus on that second letter :lol: it's still a hydrocarbon derivative.
As for whether it burns cleaner or not will depend on the efficiency of the original engine. Everything that I have looked at states than on older engines it will burn cleaner but on newer petrols it is questionable as to whether it burns cleaner or not.
anyway, glad to see you're using your old image max - you look much more comfortable
Yes but it has a short range... ....
Range is crucial, I had a mere 85 ltr tank in my Touareg and was lucky to see 180 miles per fill. Now piggybacked a second donut tank with that...making it a total of 150 litres. Much more usable.
Only time issues has meant I've not run my G55 down to the installer. His time as well as mine.
He is SO busy at the moment....as you can imagine!!
It WILL be done however...I've No issues at all. This will mean I've 3 LPG's in the fleet!!
Ive always wondered if it would be possible add an LPG system to a Ferrari! If it works on an AMG, then a Ferrari should be ok too.
Put the gas tank on a trailer
Your Ferrari has a towbar of course?
Put the gas tank on a trailer
Your Ferrari has a towbar of course?
No luckily it has a nice boot at the back. Engine is in the front.
Also there is a new technology coming that involves H2O (water) which will run in parallel with LPG and you will save another 30%. Who can argue with that ?
Can you tell us more about this? Is it a bolt on addition to previously converted cars?
If one adds up all the claimed savings,
--is there not a danger of ones fuel tank overflowing as one drives along :lol:
Also there is a new technology coming that involves H2O (water) which will run in parallel with LPG and you will save another 30%. Who can argue with that ?
Any update on this?
Where would the best place be to have a gas conversion done and what price range are we looking at?
Hi Christo put it into the LPG School of Instruction in South Wales as a donar vehicle or better still do the course and get it done for the cost of the parts.....
hi christo,you have a pm..
Just down the road from you Christo.
A. B Garage (next door to the Airbus factory).
They are far more than an LPG convertor who’s been on a 2 day course and then claims 30 years of experience, and proceeds to bodge some tanks in and plumb in a simplistic single point injection system.
They truly understand engines and electronic engine management. LPG is not their main business but I wouldn’t hesitate to go to them.
A.B Garage Garage Services
Tel: 01244 537701| Unit 167b, Castle Close, Hawarden Industrial Park,Manor Lane, Hawarden, Deeside, Clwyd CH5 3QX
Thanks Russ
sounds familiar russ :shock:
Almost same mpg with petrol, AutoGas is a propane and butane mix used in internal combustion engines also known as LPG.Much better in harmfull emissions than petrol or diesel better for your engine and half the price !
Surprised you dont know may be you are using a different name,LPG,GPL?? All the same.
My point here is even a 6.3 AMG SUV is running on it because of extortionate petrol prices Advanced technology in AutoGas equipment is making it possible for any petrol car to be converted Also there is a new technology coming that involves H2O (water) which will run in parallel with LPG and you will save another 30%. Who can argue with that ?