Replacing door light and other bulbs.

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Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London

Anyone know how to replace the bulb for the light on the bottom of the door that illuminates the ground when the door is open? Do I have to remove the entire door panel? What bulbs are needed?

While I'm at it - does anyone know what sort of bulbs are needed for the sliders and fan control on the central console? Don't want to have to take the entire console apart twice.... once to check for bulbs and the other to replace them...

dentsmithy's picture
Joined: 03.07.2005
Location: cumbria
Re: Replacing door light and other bulbs.

Maxwell Smart wrote:
Anyone know how to replace the bulb for the light on the bottom of the door that illuminates the ground when the door is open?

Haven't even got a bottom on the door, let alone a light - oh the joys of rusty 460s :lol:

mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain
Re: Replacing door light and other bulbs.

No idea about the door bulbs... but I am pretty sure that you need to remove the panel.

As for the sliders they are lit by some optic fibre style tubes, but I never got to find what sort of bulb was tere at the other side....

Send me your VIN and I will try to investigate both things with the EPC.

But it won't be until Saturday... tomorrow I am due to the mountains again for some snow fun:
