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shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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somewhere on this form I have found part numbers for an OEM mercedes
snorkel part numbers which will cost under hundred pounds to purchase from Mercedes. I would like to put this on a 1986 280 gel .has anyone done this? any advice?

part numbers are for a 461 model


mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain
Re: snorkel

Interesting... I would need the VIN of a G that had this fitted from factory, to be able to look it up in the EPC....

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

i am suprised you have not read this before mortinson as i said i found all this info in the forum somewhere.
anyway here is the

looking forward for your feedback

mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain
Re: snorkel

There are a few digits missing from that VIN

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

sorry mortinson
thats all i have

peter perfect
peter perfect's picture
Joined: 08.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

sahkir, what do you need a snorkel for, Barnet council not cleaned the drains out again !!!!!!

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

That was a good one ian.
anyway I need one because I realised that this engine needs better breathing-cold air -arrangements. In summer, specially in Cyprus
going up the mountain roads and the heat of the engine plus the heat from the radiator is alll sucked into the air filter hence loss of power, and one realizes if you have more cold air coming in you wont lose power. and believe me you need all the power you got going up those hills specially if you are towing a 2.5 tonne boat.

1. put air ducts on bonnet
2.put electrical ventilation fans on bonnet
3.put 463 style air vents on the front wing.
4.put a snorkel.

Right now I am only considering option 3 and 4.
any feed back is much appreciated.

hus55's picture
Joined: 10.01.2006
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Re: snorkel

Shakir, as we spoke on a few occasions snorkel sounds logical as you have seen on sahara expedition vehicles these snorkels must surely be for heat reduction reasons as there arent many rivers to ford in the desert.!!

tclynes's picture
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Re: snorkel

could also help towards dust and sand not getting in, and im sure ive heard of there being multi stage filters down the tube, any one have any more info

peter perfect
peter perfect's picture
Joined: 08.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

shakir, if that aircon you have is so good, then plumb it in to the air intake budd.

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

ypu know what Ian ,I have been thinking about that! But it is not practical.
snorkel or the side vents are the easiest solution.How comes being a 460 man yourself you have not realized anything about this,or may be you did but you are not telling us. :lol: . If it was not an issue MB wouldnot put vents on the latter models. As you know there is only a very tiny gap between the radiator(drivers side) and the front wing. Thats all coming form that slim gap into the airfilter.Certainly not enough.

peter perfect
peter perfect's picture
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Re: snorkel

The Air cleaner box is quite restrictedI agree, But its never really been an issue for me. I doubt it will make a terrifci differerence her in the uk but would climbing them mountains you do when you go on your camping Jaunts. How Long is it before you go back to Cyprus for good, or is the Kebab buisiness to good here for binge drinkers.

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

definitely mate. I need fresh air feeding into the engine. last year I was climbing up a mountain in Turkey. 24 kilometers of climbing up till you reach 1000meters. 4 people on board excessive luggage inside and on top
and my new 16" pacet fan was not good enough to cool the radiator. Had to stop many times when the needle touched the red. same think happened towing a boat up a 2 mile stretch of hills. lessons learned:
1. 16" pacet cannot match the cooling of the original belt driven fan in extreme situations so either change the 16" fan with 2x12" fans or leave the 16" intact and put a 11" outside next to the aircon fan and put them on manually when needed for extra cooling. otherwise 16" pacet is perfect under normal driving .
2. feed the engine with fresh air because the engine was suffering a lot under the extreme hot temperatures.
3. if all else fails install a bonnet fan as well
I am hoping to Drive to Cyprus again this summer (2007) INSAALLAH.
I will be towing a sankey trailer, I bought the Nato hitch already , not fitted yet, I need to see Mark for that.
I have stopped selling Kebabs or Fish and Chips for ethicall reasons.
As you said these binge drinkers are eating too much of the stuff, hence the national problem of obesity. But I don't mind cooking for my family or good friends once every couple of months. I am working day time now and sleeping at night, before I was just the opposite. So no more chip shop mate. And I feel much better.

Anonymous's picture
Re: snorkel

Why don't you get a custom made bigger radiator?And is it possible to plumb in an extra oil cooler?Also you can try tWater wetter stuff that is ment to drop temperatures down by 10 degrees.

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

bigger radiator? can we do it? do you know anyone who has done it?
watter wetter is on my list for the next expedition, it has been recommended by a lot of people.
extra oil cooler? I have one spare anyway. But I have to check if it could be plumed in.
let me know if you got some contacts

Anonymous's picture
Re: snorkel

I don't know how old your radiator is?If you approach a genuine recore/rebuild place, rather than an agent who will just want to sell you a new one.they should advise on different types of radiator core, can't say if you can fit a phsically bigger unit.Is there spcae to make it deeper?
One of these v8 conversion people, might havev tried different cooling.Would have thought one of those aftermarket oil coolers would work , but make sure any plumbing is 100% or else you will make problems!

mervyn weaver
mervyn weaver's picture
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Re: snorkel

Towimg a 2.5 tonne boat up hill??
You expecting rain??

stevieboy's picture
Joined: 13.03.2004
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Re: snorkel

Whats he going to tow the animals up the hill with... :lol: :lol: :lol:

shakir's picture
Joined: 19.11.2003
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Re: snorkel

Good one guys, but thats the only way to reach the sea. It is downhill as well, but first you must reach the top. I think Noah would be using a Unimog thou. Back in July, I read something like this in a magazine about the Brabus Unimog
"...It will happly tow your boat to the marina, but if you wish it will tow the marina to the boat as well!!!! "