The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

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Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
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Received my copy of the Londoner through the post box the other day. On page 9 (page 5 of the PDF) next to the word's Chelsea Tractor was a large photo of a G.

A copy of the article with a smaller photo can be found on their website.

Is the owner a member? The plate is clearly visible in the paper (pdf) but not in the online article.

peter perfect
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

again the minority, I like it when one person said,"these vehicles are for rough terrain. Anyone used a taxi in london, and when they take you through the back streets. I have been over better terrain in a winch challange. Bloody speed bumps and crappy roads, christ.

marcus's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

Ah, but a well educated minority, after all they are recognising the "G" as the pinnacle of 4WD development, be thankful for small mercys.
Re pricks who would rather drive over one than get their car dirty, the wife and myself were out for a walk in broad daylight yesterday afternoon, along a wee country road, the road is narrow, we stand in when cars are passing , but still some pricks would rather virtually catch on ones clothing than put a wheel in the gutter on the other side of the road, Oh and the brake pedal remains a mystry.
I should carry a good supply of half bricks to lob in front of their windscreen perhaps.
Got that off my chest.

tclynes's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

i agree with marcus!

ive seen so many people with 4x4's not pulling up onto a kerb!

points from the letters

'best public transport system in the world' - i have had to drive into london twice due to the public transport being unavaliable

'blocking visibility' - 1. im sure busses are bigger 2. i thought the public transport was great, why would they have to be driving anyway.

'made for rugged terrain' - as above, see also the article in the times last week where they said they needed a 4x4 to get down the road it was so badly maintained

'high levels of pollution' - completely false, it was shown somewhere last week that the toyota prius is not any better for pollution. and the majority of cars running on clean lpg and biodiesel are 4x4's.

'theser people need to be educated... the chances of surviving being hit by one of these vehicles at 30mph are slim' - if they are so educated they should be able follow the simple rules of crossing the road

'and are driven to fast' - where is the logic in this one! im pretty sure if you look through most the stats for performance 4x4's they are nothing on little sporty hatchbacks, and for sure cannot reach the same speeds in the small spaces of clear road there are in london.

glad thats off my chest! i think my next g is going to have 3 bumper stickers just to wind up these people 'i love my 4x4' 'i love hunting innocent animals' and 'cyclists fit nicely in the wheel arch'

*breath out*


marcus's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

*breath out*, just caress the trigger, and remember to "follow through"
Oops :oops:
Wrong forum
well its shooting club tonight

peter perfect
peter perfect's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

marcus wrote:
Ah, but a well educated minority, after all they are recognising the "G" as the pinnacle of 4WD development, be thankful for small mercys.
Re pricks who would rather drive over one than get their car dirty, the wife and myself were out for a walk in broad daylight yesterday afternoon, along a wee country road, the road is narrow, we stand in when cars are passing , but still some pricks would rather virtually catch on ones clothing than put a wheel in the gutter on the other side of the road, Oh and the brake pedal remains a mystry.
I should carry a good supply of half bricks to lob in front of their windscreen perhaps.
Got that off my chest.

you been on the sherbet again :wink:

marcus's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

No :(
Why :roll:

shakir's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

london buses and black cabs /taxis are far more pollutants than anything else. If you have a problem with 4x4's you must have problems with these first. Size wise and pollution wise 4x4 should not be directly criticised , plus I run my one on LPG which is much more cleaner than petrol or diesel, i also use it for my business( as a van), people carrier, daily commuter etc.One car for everything. Also G wagens are quiet well proportioned, they are not the widest or longest of the vehicles, barely the size of a small transit only higher.
i think most of this people are just jeaolous and the authorities are looking for a good excuse to Tax us -rip us off-as in the case of Inheritance tax

stevieboy's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

Thank god I live in the next borough,

Richmond in Surrey plan to have a sliding scale for parking with, you guessed it high increase in parking for chelsea tractors (don,t you just hate that saying).

More info here.

tclynes's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

its crazy, in a country run by pc, surely this is discriminating against peoples tastes and basically trying to push people away from a companies product? def. not fair trade!

as for inheritance tax, dont get me started!

stevieboy's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?


marcus's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

But in a cunning response,
Nissan are introducing a TWO wheel drive Pathfinder ?
A bit like Decaff coffee
Those who choose to drive gas guzzlers are already paying tax thro the nose already.
Mind you the current rates system is as bad and the new Valuation based one is worse, I understood that rates were for to pay for services provided, what has that got to do with the size of ones house ?
Not to mention ditto for water rates.
Bring back Mrs Thatcher and her Community Charge, pay per person system.

tclynes's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

they just mentioned the increase of parking fees on the tv. my dad sat there and just said 'im glad i retired' it ould have been 4 vans paying extra parking, just another struggle for people trying to earn an honest wage.

stevieboy's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

What about the new proposals for letting councils inspect your properties and seeing if you have made any improvements and charging you for them.

Didn,t we used to have a window tax that was abolished years and years ago.

back to the dark ages for us then.

peter perfect
peter perfect's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

stevieboy wrote:
What about the new proposals for letting councils inspect your properties and seeing if you have made any improvements and charging you for them.

Didn,t we used to have a window tax that was abolished years and years ago.

back to the dark ages for us then.

Yes apparently if you have a large patio you could be taxed on it. When that comes in, I'm off, fuck the UK. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

tclynes's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

over to ireland me thinks if that starts happening! (unless the irish members have anything to raise?)

its a lets punish people for working hard and not sponging off us system we seem to have over here! we've got a large patio and a pool here, now we pay to maintain and look after all of these, so how can the say it is costing them more!

LEEU's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

All I can say is be thankful that you are all living in a 1st world country where you can at least afford to buy/own a G.

I have live in a few countries, and chose this to stay. Either I am stupid or the UK isn't so bad.

kam2kam's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

How come everyone seems to be after 4x4s what about sports cars how many do we see on the road and on avg these cars have 3L or bigger engines, what about big saloons i.e Jags, Lexus, E and S class MBs, BMWs most acrs are using bigger then 3L engines.

tclynes's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

anyone in town yesterday see the article about how ken livingstone is calling for 'all out war on 4x4's'

bascially if you live in the zone, you usually get a 90% discount due to having to pay it everyday even if your car doesnt move, but now, if you drive a 'gas guzzler' you will not be allowed the discount, and remember the zone is getting even larger, so pretty mush all of west london (now why hasnt he gone to east london, oh yeh, hes anti people working hard to have money).

he also want to put the congestion charge up to £25 a day for these guzzlers. this means that my brother with his van that he uses for work in london, will have to pay £125 a week for driving to work, 20p for every five minutes his van isnt moving and not causing congestion as its parked up (he estimates that hes spending over 100 on parking a week now easily), road tax, and fuel tax! then hes got to make enough money to support owning a house and feeding himself!

this has got to stop, the bloody brown ricers are getting too far into power!

markvulture's picture
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Re: The Londoner - Chelsea Tractor?

my main comments on all these anti-types all boil down to the same thing......kill em all !!!!! let god sort them out.