number plates.

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tclynes's picture
Joined: 14.08.2005
Location: Bucks/West Yorkshire
GWOA Groups: Members

does anyone know where to enquire about getting a private plate valued. friend has just bought a car and it has a plate on it, i was wondering how to find out its value.

cheers, Tom

Greeney's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Limousin France
Re: number plates.

Most of the companies that sell the plates offer a valuation service, loads in the back of auto trader 8)
They obviously take a percentage but some buy it outright I sold one about 5 yrs ago, 777 EAH to an Edward A Harris that was offered in the exchange and mart via cherished plates got £2500 :shock:

bruce's picture
Joined: 06.10.2005
Location: Cumbria.
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: number plates.

Its value is what it is worth to another individual.I have a collection of tree related plates,C2YEW,C6OAK,C5ELMand T57ELM.To me they are fun and worth a bit.No prefix numbers and letters only will fetch minimum £1000.Prefix with one number and letters,between £100 and £25000,Irish plates worth less lots of I and Z's