Suggestions and comments- options for GWOA development

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ipanema's picture
Joined: 31.05.2006
Location: Kensington, London/Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

As has ben evident in recent threads, it seems that it would be useful to open a discussion on how best to move forward with the GWOA structure, G-Wizz, as well as responsibilities for different activities.

Although a new member, and not wanting to appear presumptuous or ungrateful to all those who have helped so far in this respect, I think that it will be beneficial for all members if these issues are widely discussed and developed, with the broadest possible input from all those interested, both existing as well as potential members. That way, not only may additional fresh ideas come to light, but also hopefully a wider range of members can take part in the discussions than would be the case at an AGM.

Let's develop GWOA further and also have some fun in the process, while thanking and working with all those who have put some much into it to date!

ELVIS's picture
Joined: 30.06.2006
Re: Best ways forward for GWOA

i second the 'latin connection' , only just put cheque in post but as per other posts i am more than willing to assist/organize any 'off roading'/laning !! feel free to volounteer me in my absence at the AGM for anything of this ilk!as an observation the evnts list appears to be somewhat empty and i am more than willing to assist filing it.i also have a few emails from the customer services manager at graz with all his details/tour details etc. i am sure you must have them but if not , give me a shout. kindest regards elvis