Pre Purchase Inspections

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dan.scott's picture
Joined: 22.11.2005
Location: Henley-On-Thames

Hi there I was wondering if anyone has had their G inspected before they bought it, who it was done through and how much that cost?

I an looking at a G at the moment and am really keen on buying it, i've had a drive and all seemed well but I would maybe like an inspection performing first to reassure me i'm not getting "a dog" (I'm anything but a mechanic!!!!)

Thanks as always!


Greeney's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Limousin France
Re: Pre Purchase Inspections

I would go for the RAC or AA personally I have had a "look" over vehicles for people (Family or good friends) but it notan easy task. quickest way to loose friends if something untoward happens to it.