Duty Rates
Our wonderful government, or their revenue collecting arm customs and excise, are now saying that straight veg oil should attract the FULL rate of diesel duty at 47p per litre, whilst only RME will attract the lower rate of 27p per litre. Can you believe the hipocrasy of this bunch-all that chat about renewable energy and reducing our dependance on fossil fuels, it means nothing. Here we have the simplest and most efficient use of vegetable oil as a fuel,and these ignorant and greedy suits want to stamp out the little guys (under pressure from the giants of the biofuels world), on the pretence of some trumped up technicality,that they are unable to specify!. If you feel strongly about it then question your mp especially if a labour one, on why customs and excise have deemed to favour one part of the biofuels industry over another without being able to offer any good technical argument for doing so. it stinks, its wrong and we should say you're not on, especially when we get fed endless guff about how much this government care about the enviroment and sustainability.They clearly just care about generating revenue to fill Gordon's enormous hole.