
12 replies [Last post]
Steve Kirk
Steve Kirk's picture
Joined: 28.03.2005
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After two years refreshing my g ,  the worst luck has just landed. i suspect my G is in about 3 feet of water after the humber  suffered the largest tidal surge recorded. i tried getting to my workshop , but the services turned me away...the whole area is submerged and cars in the surrounding streets are up to their roofs...........not a happy man tonight.

gav.helme's picture
Joined: 29.04.2011
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Re: Gutted....................

Feel for you Steve....sad

I was in Hull all afternoon yesterday....took me 9 hours to attempt to get home to Doncaster and 2am pitched camp in Immingham after an average of 4mph and 9mpg....

Seen the devestation further up the A63 out of Hull first hand and can only imaging the docks areas and foreshore where your G is...

I am not easily scared....but after what i saw yestereday evening i was happy for a night in a sleeping bag in the back of my van

Hope its not as bad as you fear surprise


Steve Kirk
Steve Kirk's picture
Joined: 28.03.2005
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Re: Gutted....................

Cheers Gav...not looking good.........sob sob


Spider1V's picture
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Re: Gutted....................

Steve, feeling for your loss frown All that hard work. With any luck it may not be as bad as you think, fingers crossed for you.



Pistonhead's picture
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Re: Gutted....................

Hi Steve,

Very sorry to hear of your loss. It can't be easy to learn such news after waiting to have your 'mits' on it initially. frown

Audiominx's picture
Joined: 30.12.2010
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Re: Gutted....................

So sorry to hear that and hope that when you get to it, you;ll find it is not nearly as bad as you thought it would be. Must be dreadful not to be allowed near it.

IanA2's picture
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Re: Gutted....................
Fingers crossed for you....
Steve Kirk
Steve Kirk's picture
Joined: 28.03.2005
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Re: Gutted....................

managed to get to my workshop......not good. thankfully the G is up on high axle stands....but last week i drained all the axles ..transfer and gearbox...the filler plugs are all sat on the bench sad. the carpets are wet......front axle is currently stripped ....both swivels are off  so that will all be full of crap.....not a good day. But the G faired better than the 1960 Mk1 Mini parked next to it...

gav.helme's picture
Joined: 29.04.2011
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Re: Gutted....................

Hi Steve

Glad its not worst case scenario....

You will have it sorted and back running again soon i am sure...

Shame about the Mini, was that the White one? ....was nice :(

Hope the business was not too badly affected either

All the best


derekfinn's picture
Joined: 18.06.2012
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Re: Gutted....................

Condolences Steve. Hope you can salvage the best of it. 

Good Luck. 

SeanD 463
SeanD 463's picture
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Re: Gutted....................

Chin up Steve, you guys can fix anything, could have been worse,


TvaiX's picture
Joined: 18.05.2009
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Re: Gutted....................

Water is not worst what can happen with G. If engine is shut down, possible to be all ok with it. Lot of drying and be good as before... :) it`s only possible maybe trought back pipe get water in it, no back pressure when engine is shut down...
I hope my offroad picture inspires you... Good luck!

G in water

Steve Kirk
Steve Kirk's picture
Joined: 28.03.2005
Location: East yorks
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Re: Gutted....................

Thank you to all who have given real harm done....carpets now cleaned and dry....all transmissions flushed and filled....just started to rebuild front axle with new wheel and kingpin bearings and new wiper seals.....discs and drums looking as though they will get renewed..........Lucky escape....faired better than the building.....£20k's worth of insurance work surprise