New Blower?
My G is at A&E with (amongst other things) a sick blower. Is it likely that this can be fixed or is it more likely that a transplant will be required. If the latter I'm assuming that looking for a donor from a dead G yard will a long shot and that a new one may be needed. Anybody got one or know the price/availablity of a new one?
Thanks Gav
Gav is your man, I got mine from him, can't remember the cost but it's not horrendous, as your probably aware the sting is actually changing it, I was quoted 8.1 hours from a garage and I paid over £400 for the work! Ouch!!
Have you tested it by bypassing the switch? The switch is a common failure. Does it work on any speed?
There is a ballast resistor in the air vent on the bulkhead where the testing can be carried out.
Parkwell motors in Finedon, friend of mine owns the garage, there is also a good thread on here somewhere, where someone has written down very precisely and taken photos of the whole process from start to finish, as I recall there were 24 pages when I printed it off, I flicked through it and thought ##uk that, in the garage she went complete with instructions! One good thing was I had the dash bulbs changed at the same time.
I know them well, very good company, I don't think there is much they don't know about Mercs, also I think they own a 230 GE, is yours a 460 or 463? Fingers crossed it is your fuse.
I know them well, very good company, I don't think there is much they don't know about Mercs, also I think they own a 230 GE, is yours a 460 or 463? Fingers crossed it is your fuse.
Hope your baby gets back with a clean bill of health!
Not too sure if the 463 is a big a job as the 460,probably is, last time I was there,there was also a grey E reg 460 that I think belongs to the owner.
Sorry guys...been real busy....just got back from the MG / Triumph show at Stoneleigh.... :)
Standard G Motor A000 830 13 08 £174 - 10% + VAT MBUK have 7 in stock
T1 Van alternative A000 820 62 42 £132 - 10% + VAT we hold in stock
Let me know young man
No....not really...
Most would not even tell them apart side by side...
Sold around 15 Van ones last year for G fitment....
Same warranty etc
We have a 1991 LWB 300 gel and the blower sounds like an aircraft taking off when turned on it gets louder as we go up the settings.
Looking at getting the blower replaced but after reading think i might leave to someone who has done before. Could anyone recommend anyone we are near fairford Gloucestershire.
Gav is the van replacement the same mountings and will my controls work with it?
for the sake of £48 don't want to have to modify any other bits.
Thanks in advance
If you're worried go for the proper G one.... if money is no issue
However if i put both in front of you, you would not see any difference
All the mounts and functionality are identical
I had the van one fitted, no problem at all, the blower sounds exactly and blows the same as the original one.
It is always worth remembering that the G has T1 van genetics and many common parts
thought I would let you know you can get the Bosch 0130007064 dc motor for 48,16 pounds on Put this in my G yesterday (what fun!)
exactly same motor, the numbers on the old one matched the new one and works perfectly.
hope this of some use to some
I thought I would tickle this thread since I am after a 460 blower (again!).
Seems there are 3 options:
Standard G Motor A000 830 13 08 £174 - 10% + VAT - PROBABLY NLA
MB Sprinter T1 Van alternative A000 820 62 42 £132 - 10% + VAT - CHECKING WITH GAV for AVAILABILITY
Bosch 0130007064 dc motor £48 or more. CAN'T FIND on EBAY
Its a HELLA unit (originally) like here: OUT OF STOCK
And that leads to a MAHLE here, which is in stock and looks the same?
I have done myself in the past (dash out, knuckles scuffed) but garage is doing some bits, so will ask them this time. And check the blower switch connections first, because I swear the fan was working last year. Have been told several times that its possible to get to the motor from the air box from the front, by pulling the fan blades off to get to the motor behind - which sounds great but can you actually replace that from that point?
Find a trucktec one from a t1, normally on autodoc, on offer at £38 !
Have you tested it by bypassing the switch? The switch is a common failure. Does it work on any speed?
There is a ballast resistor in the air vent on the bulkhead where the testing can be carried out.
The surgeon will be performing all the usual diagnostic variables. This G goes private you know, and the butler keeps me informed me of the surgeon's progress.