Lights, but no action... is it the starter?
Hi All,
So snow started falling (yay!), went to start my 300G and lights (battery OK) but no action (booooo!). Working fine last week and no signs of anything starting to fail. Can hear what sounds like solenoid retracting when turn-off ignition. Is it likely starter motor fails without warning? Do need to check earth leads, but done this recently, although when get a break in the weather will have a closer look at the starter itself as not something I have done any work on recently (to my knowledge never been replaced, 100K done and 34 years?).
Help requested please - how to check if starter at fault (other causes) and in preparation where/how/who for replacement part?
I'd start by checking that battery connections and earth are clean and tight before trickle charging the battery overnight.
The lights don't draw much; the starter does - and especially when it's trying to shift cold, thick oils.
Good luck with it, Stewart.
- damn, do love driving the old heap! ...
Happy New Year y'all,
Brilliant. Good to hear the (full) story. Good hints for others. Agreed a new starter after a long time is a good thing. Those battery starter packs have a battery health guage on them I think, and jump starting from another car/battery might have pointed to the root cause. Starter motors do take a heck of a current draw from the battery... that's why there is no 'fuse', and its the solenoid that connects direct power (and sometimes gets sticky and needs a tap to free it).
Happy driving.
Yes thanks... read below if you would like a little bit more story!
So, decided it was starter motor/soleniod issue as following charging battery was partial response but not turning. Having tried to find refurbisher and not finding anything nearby (used to be one in sheffield, but after visiting their premises learnt closed 2 years ago), chose to purchase. So via Autodoc got a German part (£170) that did not require returning my unit (if posted via Royal Mail to Germany would have cost £72, bleedin' heavy!) and when arrived found was reconditioned Bosch (so hopefully fit for purpose). Removing/refitting was a tricky job, did not need to jack car but access very awkward, requiring multiple socket fittings and extensions and removing bottom bolt 'blind' behind drive shaft/exhaust. Took a number of days, but was nice Christmas project and ultimately satisfying, until...
...reconnected and still not working. School-boy error as fault all along was battery! D'oh! Not really a surprise as purchased the Varta G8 in 2011 (found date etched on battery when removed) after the battery had failed shortly after acquiring my truck and on the way to G meet in the Yorkshire dales - remember this well as some good lessons learnt including a) can push start in garage forecourt (had needed to refuel on way) b) can drive without a battery and c) without a good battery the lights are effectively non-existent, and this made the drive that evening across the dales 'rather interesting'! [please note although just replacing battery would have likley resolved starting issue, having done 100k and 35 years old still happy good job done replacing starter, and rather now when had time then when truck needed].
So, new battery and new starter, started first time on the button and happily back in action - damn, do love driving the old heap! Also took the opportunity whilst in garage to remove rear bumpers and patch some rust holes in them and fit new rear mudflaps that I had purchased many years ago through GWOA. So Merry Christmas all round.
Happy New Year y'all,