A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" magazine

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marcus's picture
Joined: 02.05.2004
Location: Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
GWOA Groups: Members

Just got it this morning, nice to see Eddie's re-worked "G"  featuring.

A seriously really good publication all round folks.

It was enough to persuade me to get wor Steyr Puch Van back on the Road for Senior Managment.

(actually really really  because us now being "empty nesters" we no longer have the comfort of the daughters newish Yaris as a backup veh, otherwise only having a single car on the road, so the Steyr Puch = cheap dependable & ageless backup)

And fully intending to visit the Valentines Wicklow meeting to view Eddies animal et al.


Cheers all,



foneman's picture
Joined: 16.03.2005
Location: Derry City, N Ireland
Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...

I hope all is well Marcus

Hopefully we will see you at Eddies do 

looking forward to getting a Wee Run in all these super fast G ,s 

Speak soon 

Grendle's picture
Joined: 13.03.2007
Location: Devon
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Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...

 Echo the thanks. Really enjoyed reading it, 





Norfolk66's picture
Joined: 17.07.2013
Location: North Norfolk
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Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...
Well done to all concerned a great read and in big print as well.
Great articles and left me wanting more.
Norfolk post is not as good/quick as the rest of the UK
Norfolk66's picture
Joined: 17.07.2013
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Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...
Grendle....I'm sure some room in the next edition for some of the great photos from your trips
marcus's picture
Joined: 02.05.2004
Location: Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...

Gwhizz/GWAG?=Derp=Senior Moment=blush

Anyway, apologies for not seeing (or rather not looking for) the earlier "thanks" post

Cheers all,



Now the days are getting longer, i shall be re-emerging from my annual hibernation period!

Griff's picture
Joined: 15.12.2006
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Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...

Just received my magazine very good I enjoyed reading it. Thanks

needamerc's picture
Joined: 24.02.2009
Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...


I look forward to meeting you in February.


marcus's picture
Joined: 02.05.2004
Location: Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: A big thank you to all involved with the latest "GWAG" ...

Not wishing to start another thread.

I simply wish to say how seriously/widely/vastly impressed I am by the work done by Axel, Eddie and Dieseljim, (to name the few I have become aware of recently.)

In respect of re-engine(ering) 460's with the DIESEL engine they always deserved.(and see my signature!)

A hobby horse of mine when I first joined the GWOA some 10 years ago, when there was much talk, but little real progress.

Bow down an worship time.

Thanks folks

Marcus (who masquerades as Dieseldogg on another forum)