What Fuel - clean and cute joke

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Joined: 06.06.2005
Location: Tunbridge Wells

There were 3 bees, a squirrel and a man in a car.They were driving along a country lane and the car broke down.

The first bee said , " dont worry ill give us a few extra miles by peeing in the tank",
it worked , for a couple of miles that is until they broke down again. And so the second bee decided to do the same as the first bee, but this lasted another couple of miles until they broke down again, so the third bee did exactly the same.Then finally the car broke down.

The squirrel said " I'll pee in the tank"

The man replied, sorry mate, this car only runs on BP.

Editor's note: Sound it out if you don't get it. If you still don't get it, I wouldn't bother trying...