alternative cv boot kits for 460

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richard bruford
richard bruford's picture
Joined: 04.01.2008
Location: salisbury
GWOA Groups: Members

Hi, has anyone found an alternative cv boot kit that is the same size as the tattered strips of rubber that were once mine?I see the thread on audi 100 cv joints for the 463 are these the same size as the 460 or did MB see fit to change them? If they are the same universal boot kits start at £2.99 on flea bay with the molded ones at £6 to £8 for the audi . Alternatively if anyone has a 460 cv joint to hand can they measure the diameter for me, i will do it myself shortly but for now they are still in the hubs and would be good to get the boots before the nice messy job of dismantling them. Many thanks for any thoughts.