High Pressure Fuel Line
Bloody Hell!
My 230GE has been sat for over a month (been busy). I needed to move it today and it fired up quick (like it should since the fuel pump and other bits with K-Jet were fixed). But immediately died. Starts again and dies straight away. After a few attempts, I could smell fuel (petrol) and assumed i had flooded the car by pumping the pedal. So left it a while. Tried again and the same, and now plenty of fuel smell.
I popped up the bonnet and engaged ignition to get 2 seconds of fuel pump to get to pressure, and fuel sprayed out from the high pressure hose that connects to the fuel meter unit!! This was a 'new' part when the K-Jet was tuned. Its a 6 inch piece of black braided rubber fuel line.
The point is, it had clearly deteriorated while sat. multiple leaks in the rubber. This is not good. I'm going to make sure I get a top quality replacement.
Anyone else seen this?