Front Prop shaft universal joint repair

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hniblett's picture
Joined: 29.09.2015
Location: Milton Keynes
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Afternoon All, 

My G needs the universal joint repaired/rebushed on the front prop shaft. I was recommended a place in Luton called 'reco prop', but it seems they have closed down. Can anyone recommend a place that will do this around the Milton Keynes/Buckinghamshire area?

Many thanks


bowser107's picture
Joined: 22.12.2010
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Re: Front Prop shaft universal joint repair

Try Bailey Morris 01480 216250.

They are in St Neots, the Bedfordshire one

Hope that helps

Arnie's picture
Joined: 12.04.2004
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Re: Front Prop shaft universal joint repair


Bailey Morris Limited, Little End Road Industrial Estate, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 8GE, UK. Calls to 0844 numbers cost 7ppm plus your phone company's access charge.

Tel: 0844 273 2070
Fax: +44 (0)1480 403045


Balancing is critical so don't use any 'cowboys'. Also, the G-Wagen propshafts were not designed to be serviceable, although it is possible with care.



g wagon g
g wagon g's picture
Joined: 21.04.2014
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Re: Front Prop shaft universal joint repair

Dont get me started on bloody propshafts

​Basically there are many propshaft repair companies in the uk. The standard joint i found hard to find as it is a rare size. The ones i found had no grease nipple option. I got 2 cheap joints and machined a central grease hole with much hassle. I machine all sorts of really tough metals and alloy metals but the x centre joint was tough. I have a joint if you need one very cheap. I agree and diss agree about the balancing

Here goes

A repaired propshaft is made and then welded and joints fitted. If you make a perfectly true propshaft from day one and press it together and weld it you would never notice any vibration or need for balancing. If a weight fell off , unless it was very large or a hgv propshaft from really heavy material i have never had to balance a propshaft that anyone would ever notice

Yes there are differences in wall thickness of tube and casting of joints but with quality cds tube and modern joints they are good. I made an adaptor to fit on my wheel balancer that will go down to 1 gram and i have never had to put more than 4 grams of weight on. I did not bother. If its spins totally true it will not vibrate at any rpm at all. Please chime in about harmonic balance etc etc if anyone wishes

The prop manufacturers usually weld it up and press it straight and then balance it. Better way but not cost effective is to put it in a lathe and dial gauge it perfectly 100% true and weld it without having to press it true after. Thus it spins perfectly true from day one. This is not practical for suppliers to do this so they just make straighten and balance. I did my own but i had new ones made by gkn with greasable joints and also the bonus of c clip style joints so if one had any play i could replace it easily without balancing or anything. Easy ish DIY at home

The propshaft repairer i see mentioned have 5 stars so it should be fine. My point is if that joint has gone the other wont be far behind if they have both been greased regularly. If its the joint by axle flange they go first as suffer most water and dirt. I cant recall but all 3 props from gkn were about £800 for all 3 props. They will need your old props and need to cut a part from your front prop. The transfer and rear prop will be used just for measurement

I might have a few spare props . Is it swb or long wheel base??? year etc. Pm me the details and i will have a look. If i have the one you want it will be good as i threw the old ones away

Essay done read and choose options