Auto Trans screws in Pan 280GE
Hi guys,
You all have been very helpful with my reno so far of a 280GE 2.7L GWagon 1988
We had a whining sound from 1-30 miles per hour which we could figure out and later was told that this vehicle starts off on 2nd gear...
We have eventually gotten to the Auto Tranmission and have removed it from the truck. When the bottom pan was removed 2 screws about half an inch long were found sitting on the bottom of the Pan. Thought maybe there were dropped in by previous workers/owners whom knows has worked on this truck before but my mechanic (good) reckons there are ligit. he is currently pulling it all apart...
The truck drives good except for whinning sound 1-30 mile per hr then noise disappears and i can only get the truck to go as fast as 40-45 miles per...imagine it can go faster??
Guys any ideas on these 2 screws in bottom of pan?? any similar finding from others...any advice what to look for since i have trans off...anyone got a link to a manual or documents showing this transmission/components etc (i had bought an online manual but the document had a "manual transmission diagrams")....
Guys always appreciated....tony
Your little truck should be achieving 80mph without breaking a sweat !
I do not know enough about gear boxes to advise what the 2 screws might be but many of the lads on here do so I'm sure we'll find out soon.
Good luck
the filter is retained by one or two screws, if I recall correctly.
these trucks will get to 90/95 without any trouble, apart from their thirst that is, is the autobox changing gear properly or even reaching the higher ratios
Stupid question perhaps, but I guess you have the transfer-box selector lever in SA position ?
I just ask, because I know someone else, new to these, who had not figured that out.
while the auto transmission was still in, did you notice any difference in moving the auto selector lever through the gear positions?
If not, then it may well be that the auto box is not changing up to 3rd and 4th.
Hi, you say you can only achieve 45 mph, at this speed what is the RPM of the engine?
well if you think it#s getting to at least 3rd gear, that should get you to around 60 mph. Try to check that you have the full rev range available on the engine. Check throttle linkages. But even without rev dial on the dash, most garages should have a strobe/timing light to measure rpm.
If engine is all good, and gearbox is changing gears, you may have an issue with the torque converter or slipping brake bands. This becomes a specialist job. Presumably you already tried changing the transmission fluid and checking its level (with engine running).
The two half inch screws in the pan; I am guessing could be screws which hold the valve body otherwise these are too long for the oil filter. Other than that , I do not know.
Assuming when you are in 'D' and you do not achieve over 45 MPH; I would suspect the Sprague wheel, in built of the torque convertor is playing up. If this seizes it does not assist fluid flow in the torque convertor to channel into the vanes hence it fluid flow interference generally slows and restricts vehicle speed. Out of interest what is the engine revving at, at the speed you report?
Do renew the gearbox oil filter if you do not know of vehicle history.
I am NOT an automatic gearbox specialist but from my little knowledge, restricted speed could be due to speed governor. This in internally mounted at the rear end of the gear box.
Exercise to conduct. Driving in each individually selected gear how does the vehicle behave in terms of speed, gear shifting and correspondingly engine revs? Obviously selecting 1st will stay in 1st gear only with no upshifts.
Selecting 2 could mean a start in 2nd but as the is, it could start in it could start in 1st?
Might be cheaper to find a replacement transmission?
But, I supposed once these issues have been addressed, it should be good for many more years.
I suppose that there may be other parts that could be replaced as a routine, but you may require some advice from a transmission specialist for this. However, don't forget a new sump seal, while getting the filter.
By the way guys it's looks very very clean inside trans..thx guys for help...tony