280ge W460 suddenly not starting with no dash lights or pump sound
Back again
I've run into an issue where suddenly my Gwagon won't start. It has no dash lights when i turn the key, No pump sound and no turning over (dead dead!) battery is all good and fuses all seem to be good too.
If it helps the last time i started it it started and instantly stalled, then started again and was running fine for about 15 mins i banged the heater on and left the car idling for a while and came back the heater had stopped working car was still running fine and turned off then I came back a week later and it was dead.
Any ideas on where to start please
Kind Regards
Joe, thats odd. Definitely electrical.
I'd say maybe warming up has stimulated some rust on the battery earth lead to the chassis. Try unbolting that, wire brush and refit. It happened to me once on a 230GE.
One thing I forgot to mention is i did plug a trailer into the back of it and when i tried to start it there was nothing. Not sure if that could be related but thought i'd mention it!
Ah well, now you are talking! These things are aways connected.
That said, it sounds like something basic - like a blown fuse (short in the trailer coupling?). But you wouldn't lose the whole ignition.
I had a non-start once when my Auto 230GE was slightly put into 'Drive' and the micro-switch there (on the gear stick) was not engaged (stops you starting the car in drive).
But you say there is no life at all on the dash/ignition??
Maybe someone knows of a big fuse somewhere??
If not fuse, then ignition barrel? Squirt some WD40 magic juice in there?
I have no idea how to bypass that and test? (hotwire)
Yeh it was very random and it has been sat for 2+ years so wouldn't surprise me.
I will give that a check and come back if not
Thanks for your help!