Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels


cox.adrian's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels



    for some upgrades i cant live with outwink

neilmarton's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

I had seen that green Puch G on their site for sale. It looks very very nice ! But i also took a shine to the Blue PUR with the white graphics.

Kevin, Did you see the Blue one by any chance ?

All the best,


KevinStuttgart's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

 No I didn't see the blue one when I was there. You could try asking Adrian he has been there more recently than me. The green one is built as a hunting version with rifle cabinets and dog cage etc. In the back ground of the one photo you can see the hunting towers which are towable. They said they sell a lot!

neilmarton's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

Is it them big green towers behind the fire truck pinz ? Tow them ? sounds a bit scary !!! (nice factory. i think i'd be like a kid in a sweet shop)

Yes i'll ask Adrian if he's seen the blue one.

Adrian ?

cox.adrian's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

  YES the blue 461 was there and they gave me a lift in it NICEheart

   but for me the white 461 all the toys fitted heartheart (rental)

   the hunting platform dont know why it would be  scary to tow

   folds down via a winch so low CG 


​    kevin did you have the 2 blond girls working on your G cheeky

    ahhhhh you took the wife you did,nt noticewink

neilmarton's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

Bond Girls ! Blue PUR's ! Shooting towers ! this place is a paradise !!!

I like the blue one ! BUT i don't do left hookers and i don't do weisels !!! (especially in light of the "we tell porkies about emmisions" scandal ! No shit sherlock !!!


cox.adrian's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels


  when you get the all clear (G-bola)  get out there do itwink

neilmarton's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

You ain't wrong !

It's MOT time and my truck lies in a state of disassembly whilst i fix up all the electrical gremlins ready for the clean bill of health.

GRAZ is calling.

KevinStuttgart's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

 Yes it is those towers. They recon they sell one a week????

markhowes's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

Works best if you weigh them down a bit with two large men poking shotguns out of the slits.

Guaranteed to prevent tailgaters.wink




bigblock's picture

Re: Travelling to Graz for Wide Arches and Hutchinson Wheels

The Germans and Austrians don't really go in for stalking but prefer to sit up a tree (or towable tower!) for half a day and maybe shoot  something if it happens to wander by.