Submitted by g wagon g on Thu, 04/09/2014 - 19:54.
Hi Kev
I need to change the colour of my g. It has been pointed out that i look like postman pat in his van lol.
It was awesome and one of my best days out ever
Yes ive hammered off roader till they break but this was a proper adventure and i enjoyed it a lot. I was a bit late and ill prepared but next time i will be ready
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Re: Remember to shut the gate Gaz
Hi Kev
I need to change the colour of my g. It has been pointed out that i look like postman pat in his van lol.
It was awesome and one of my best days out ever
Yes ive hammered off roader till they break but this was a proper adventure and i enjoyed it a lot. I was a bit late and ill prepared but next time i will be ready
Just give me a shout when we are going again
G wagon transfer box done and is all good
Re: Remember to shut the gate Gaz
I will email the rest of the photos to you when I get chance.
Re: Remember to shut the gate Gaz
I sent all mine but i think i overloaded pc. Did you get any of them
Re: Remember to shut the gate Gaz