I found another Haflinger !
Tue, 19/04/2022 - 17:56
I have managed to aquire another Haflinger, this one is thankfully not in as bad shape as the last one and actually drives .
Its a 1962 MK1 fitted with the uprated MK2 drive train and 5 speed gearbox. Is still got it original registration and I also have the old buff logbook. It's 60 years old and has spent its whole life in the Highlands of Scotland, the last owner had it for 36 years.
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Wed, 20/04/2022 - 18:53
Re: I found another Haflinger !
Nice going. It must be good for another 20 years+
Next to Big White it looks tiny.
(btw - add pictures one at a time with the second button option and they become clickable and not distorted. But we get the gist).
Thanks and I have now sorted the photo format.