Bleeding front caliper 460... 3 nipples?

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Stew-Em's picture
Joined: 01.07.2011
Location: Sheffield
GWOA Groups: Members

Hi All,

Suspect this has been discussed before, is there a correct (best?) way to bleed 460 front caliper? 3 nipples (see image, have openned 1, replacing brake pipes), so where do I start, do all 3...or?

Help appreciated,



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Pistonhead's picture
Joined: 16.12.2006
Location: Loughborough
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Re: Bleeding front caliper 460... 3 nipples?
Bleeding sequence is not paramount just bleed the nipple closest to brake pipe line followed by the top most then bottom one(outter pistons). If the pedal does not harden, repeat bleeding and if the result is the same then bleed the whole system starting at the rear furtherest away from master cylinder working your way in and to the front with the caliper closest to master cylinder being the last bleed in line. If there is pedal travel then rear brake shoes need adjustment and consequently handbrake.
Stew-Em's picture
Joined: 01.07.2011
Location: Sheffield
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: Bleeding front caliper 460... 3 nipples?
Most excellent, Thanks